These console commands were copied from Planet Unreal. They are commands for the UT2004 engine, on which Red Orchestra runs, and should all apply to Darkest Hour.

Useful Commands

Command Description
stat fps Shows average and current frames per second
reconnect Reconnects to last server
suicide Kills self
setname Changes name. To include spaces, read this page.
demorec Records a demo
demoplay Plays a demo
togglefullscreen Switches between fullscreen and window modes. Alternatively, press [Alt]+[Enter]
shot saves a .bmp screenshot to Steam\SteamApps\common\red orchestra\ScreenShots - Usually bound to ****

Admin Commands

</tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> ## Statistics | | | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------- | | **Command** | **Description** | | Mem stat | Show Windows memory usage | | Stat all | Displays all stats | | Stat audio | Shows audio stats | | Stat fps | Shows average and current frames per second | | Stat game | Displays game stats | | Stat hardware | Shows hardware stats | | Stat net | Displays net stats (ping etc) | | Stat none | Removes stat displays | | Stat render | Displays rendering stats | ## Player Commands / Bot Controls | | | | --------------------- | --------------------------- | | **Command** | **Description** | | Add bots | Add X number of bots | | Behindview 1 | Switches to 3rd person view | | Behindview 0 | Switches to 1st person view | | Disconnect | Disconnects from server | | Reconnect | Reconnects to last server | | Quit | Quits game | | Exit | Closes UT2003 | | Killbots | Eliminates bots | | Switchlevel | Changes to level named | | Open | Opens named map | | Switchteam | Changes players team | | Suicide | Kills player | | Teamsay | Talk to team-mates only | | Playersonly | Freezes bots | | Say | Message to all players | | Setname | Changes name | ## Misc. Commands | | | | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **Command** | **Description** | | Demorec | Records a demo | | Demoplay | Plays a demo | | Stopdemo | Stops playing a demo (n/a until patch) | | Showhud | Shows the HUD toggled on/off - added by Dudeguy | | Brightness | Increases/Decreases brightness based on number | | Contrast | Increases/Decreases contrast based on number - added by MacNiel | | Gamma | Changes gamma level to certain number - added by MacNiel | | Cdtrack | Plays named CD track number | | Confighash | Shows configuration information | | Contrast | Increases/Decreases contrast based on number | | Debug crash | Test crash the game with an error | | Debug eatmem | Tests memory allocation until filled | | Debug GPF | Produces a general protection fault error | | Debug recurse | Test crash via infinite recursion | | Exec | Runs a file in the UT2003/system directory | | Flush | Cleans all caches and relights | | FOV | Changes field of view to certain number | | Dumpcache | Clears memory cache contents | | Getcolodepths | Displays maximum colour depth supported by hardware | | Getcurrentcolordepths | Displays current colour depth | | Getcurrentres | Displays current resolution | | Getcurrenttickrate | Displays current tick rate | | Getmaxtickrate | Displays maximum tick rate | | Musicorder | Changes to certain track in the song (0=ambient 1=action 2=suspense) | | Netspeed | Set net speed (default=10000) | | Obj classes | Displays a list of object classes | | Obj garbage | Collects and purges objects not in use | | Obj hash | Displays object hashing stats | | Obj linkers | Displays list of active linkers | | Unpausesounds | Un pauses all sounds | | Preferences | Opens advanced settings (Disabled in Retail Game) | | Relaunch | Copies report of current game to clipboard | | Set | Sets specified class and variable with named value | | Setsensitivity | Sets mouse sensitivity to X | | Setres | Sets screen resolution to specific width/height/colour depth | | Slomo 1 | Sets game speed to normal | | Slomo 2 | Sets game speed to double - Increase number to go faster | | Slomo .5 | Sets game speed to half - Decrease number to go slower | | Sockets | Displays the list of in use sockets | | Togglefullscreen | Changes full screen mode (in Windows hit ALT + ENTER as well) | | Type | Displays specified text in console |



Adminlogin </p></td>

Logs admin onto server


Logs off admin

Admin servertravel </p></td>

Changes server to specific map/game type/mutator
Optional Params ?game=gametype?mutator=mutator


Executes a command

Kick </p></td>

Kicks player from server

Kickban </p></td>

Kicks and Bans player from server

Kick Session </p></td>

Kicks and Bans player from server only for the duration of the map