Increasing Cache Size & Adjusting Precaching

  1. Find your file and open it in Notepad. It is located in your DarkestHour System folder.
  2. Scroll down to the section and notice the first line, . You will need to change the number to coordinate with the amount of RAM you have.
    1. If you have 256MB of RAM or less,
    2. If you have 512MB of RAM,
    3. If you have 768MB of RAM,
    4. If you have 1GB of RAM or More,
  3. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  4. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  5. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  6. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  7. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  8. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  9. Scroll down to the section and locate the line that reads . Change this to .
  10. Browse to your Red Orchestra System folder and open in notepad. Repeat Steps 2-9 on this file (just in case).

Precache/Preload entries by section

Try changing these, one type at a time, to see if loading times speed up, and ‘jittering’/freezing is reduced. Don’t forget to keep track of what was changed. The easiest way is to note it right where you changed something, like this: