In DarkestHour.ini

1. Look for the section called ‘[UWeb.WebServer]’ and in that section look for ‘bEnabled=’ and edit it to say the following:


2. Look for the section called ‘[Engine.GameInfo]’ and in that section look for ‘AccessControlClass=’ and edit it to say the following:


3. Then save the file and upload it back into your RO server FTP and restart the server…this will then create a file in the ‘system’ folder called ‘xadmin.ini ‘

4. Browse to your web administration at


5. Login to your web administration using either the default Username/Password which is Admin/Admin (case sensitive) or you can just make a copy of the ‘xadmin.ini ‘ file to your desktop and edit it and give yourself your own Username/Password…

6. Once you login there is a new section on the web administration called ‘ Admins & Groups ‘ near the top…

7. Click that and then you can edit yourself and add more admins and set privileges as well….

Sources and More Info: