You will have to add these to be able to setup your joystick right, but its not much of a problem.

Open up Steam\SteamApps\common\red orchestra\DarkestHour\System\darkesthourUser.ini in Notepad.

Somewhere between [Engine.Input] and [Engine.Controller] there should be multiple lines starting with “joy(Number)=”. If they are there, look if you also have some that start with “joy(letter)=”.

If you don’t have the letter-ones already, add the following lines below the “joy(number)=” lines:


The ones with the numbers define which button on the joystick does what, and the ones with the letters define which if the joystick’s axes do what.

You can assign the joystick’s buttons in the game’s menu, just like you would assign keyboard keys. After that, the game writes the action you bound to that key into the User.ini. You can write it in there by yourself too, if you know what its called. The “joy(letter)=” lines should be empty after the “=”, so there is no action defined for them.

And here are the “codes” for various actions you might need, that you have to assign to the axes in the User.ini. I don’t know what axis is what on your joystick, because I have a gamepad with two joysticks so my setup is different from yours. You might have to experiment a bit.

Here are the codes:


Axis aStrafe SpeedBase=300.0 DeadZone=0.1

Moving Forward/Backward:

Axis aBaseY SpeedBase=300.0 DeadZone=0.1

Turning Left/Right:

Axis aBaseX SpeedBase=30.0 DeadZone=0.1

Look Up/Down:

Axis aLookUp SpeedBase=30.0 DeadZone=0.1

This is used to look up or down.

Now add these lines behind the “joy(Axis/Letter)=” you want to assign the action to. For example, if you want to turn around with the X-Axis, and you want to look up with the Y-Axis, you would have create the following lines:

JoyX=Axis aBaseX SpeedBase=30.0 DeadZone=0.1
JoyY=Axis aLookUp SpeedBase=30.0 DeadZone=0.1

If you want to invert an axis you can simply add “Invert=-1” to the end of the line.

Don’t mess with the values for the strafing and the forwards movement, because I don’t know what happens if you do.

You can change the SpeedBase value for the look-around-lines if you feel that the joystick is to sensitive or not sensitive enough in-game. If you want to turn around faster, increase the value, if you want to turn slower, decrease it. I think that twice the value is twice as fast.

You can edit the dead-zone if this one doesn’t work for you.

You also have to edit the darkesthour.ini’ which is found in the same folder and change all of the lines UseJoystick=False to UseJoystick=True.

As an example, here is the setup I use to be able to use the pedals from my steering wheel setup to rotate the tank turret:

JoyY=Axis aStrafe SpeedBase=32768.0 DeadZone=0.2 Invert=-1

It also works for regular strafing, though its response time is too slow.