This method of calling out locations uses map names (i.e. Titties House, Cap point Baker, etc.) or descriptions of what you can see (i.e. right of the large tree, third window left, etc.). If the conditions allow for use of descriptions, this should be your preferred method of calling out a location.

  • Contact should only be called out when everyone you are speaking to can see the location you are describing.
  • Any location described should be unique or have unique features to describe. i.e. ‘I can see the enemy in the house’ is not a helpful term whilst ‘I can see the enemy in the window near the red tractor’is a more useful term.
  • If you are using left and right to describe a location it is from your point of view not the enemies. Use military left and right. If there is any doubt in what is left and right for team mates, use your compass instead.
  • All descriptions should be as short as possible.
  • If someone does not understand the location you described use another system i.e. Coordinates.
  • When ever possible use names on the map to describe the location. Do that before you try and describe what it looks like.