Steam Groups
The 29th Infantry Division has created official Steam groups for both Companies and every Platoon. Your Platoon Clerk will be scheduling every drill in each group for each week so that you can receive a pop-up when drills start. The Platoon Clerk will also invite incoming members and remove discharged members to/from their respective groups.
You all should have received an invite to (1) your Platoon’s group and (2) your Company’s group. Below are links to these groups. If you are not a member of both your platoon and your company’s group, please Contact Your Squad Leader who will forward it to your platoon clerk.
Official 29th Steam Groups List
There is also an unofficial 29th ID member group, but it is completely unregulated - it contains former members, non-members, cadets, etc. and does not contain any drill information - it’s just a regular group. There are also several other 29th related groups, even platoon groups and squad groups, but these are also unregulated. The difference with the groups listed above are that Platoon Clerks will regulate them weekly.
It is our hope that having the events scheduled in the company and platoon groups will have a significant impact on attendance. How can you forget about drills when it pops up on your screen? ;) (Note you must be running Steam to receive the pop-up)