There are three different ways to get discharged from the 29th Infantry Division: General Discharge, Honorable Discharge and Dishonorable Discharged. There are different criterias for each discharge. If you wish to resign from the 29th, you need to PM your Squad Leader.

General Discharge

In General Discharge (or GD) a soldier does not meet the criteria for Honorable Discharge. This happens for example to soldiers who goes AWOL (Absent Without Leave) or has not served the minimum of two months before requesting a discharge. The conditions in GD are the following:

  • The dischargee is welcome in our server and forums, so long as they follow the server/forum rules.
  • The dischargee may no longer wear the 29th Infantry Division Tags.
  • The dischargee may reenlist in one month’s time, and his application

will be reviewed by Headquarters Staff.

Honorable Discharge

In Honorable Discharge (or HD) a soldier has requested a discharge him/herself and there are no disciplinary actions prior the discharge. Soldier may wear the 29th’s tag for retired personnel which is [29th Ret.] and is welcome to our servers and forums. As of 07-FEB-2014, retired members cannot attend drills.

Dishonorable Discharge

In Dishonorable Discharge (or DD) a soldier has broke the rules in a way which warrants a discharge from the unit. This can happen by receiveing three disciplinary demerits within 30 days period or this can happen over a severe violation. The conditions in DD are the following:

  • The dischargee is not welcome in our server or forums.
  • The dischargee may no longer wear the 29th Infantry Division Tags.
  • The dischargee may not reenlist.

See also Statistics page for discharges


Changes to Drills Admittance by Maj. Wheatley on 07-FEB-2014