Steam Group Tutorial
Steam Group Responsibilities for Platoon Clerks
- Schedule weekly events for Platoon Drills and Company Drills
- Remove members who are discharged or transferred out of your platoon
- Invite members who are assigned to your platoon
It is recommended to do this in your normal browser rather than the Steam Community browser, as the Steam browser can be a bit slow. Use these URLs to find the groups.
Creating Events
To create an event in a Steam Community group, browse to the group’s profile page. If you are logged in, you will see an ‘Actions’ panel on the right-hand side. Click on ‘Schedule an event’. On this page you will see a form. Please use the following methods for filling it out.
- Event Name: Should always be simply ‘Platoon Drills’ or ‘Company Drills’
- Event Type: Play a Game (Selecting this will create several fields below it)
- Game: Darkest Hour
- Game Server IP: The server IP where the drill is to be held, including the port
- Server Password: The password being used at the drill
- Description: Leave blank unless directed otherwise
- Start time: Five minutes before the drill starts for you. Steam knows your timezone, so enter when the drill starts your time - it will adjust for other members automatically. Remember to put it 5 minutes before the drill, so that members get the event reminder 5 minutes ahead of time.
Then click ‘Save’ and you’re done. For a reference, see the below screenshot example of a properly filled out event for BP1. Note that while BP1 drills take place on Mondays at 9pm EST, I scheduled it for Tuesday at 2am since I am on GMT time.
Note that there are plenty of FireFox extensions out there (i.e. autofill) that can make this process much quicker. If you find an easy/quick way of doing this, be sure to tell your fellow platoon clerks to help them out!
Removing Members
Any member who is discharged from the unit or transferred out of your platoon should be removed from the platoon’s Steam group. The best way to keep track of this is to monitor the ‘News Feed’ on your platoon’s ‘Stats’ page and look for Discharge/Transfer feeds. Alternatively, you can simply work off of your platoon’s roster and confirm it with the Steam Group roster.
- Browse to your platoon’s Steam group
- If you are logged in, you will see an ‘Actions’ panel on the right. Click ‘Admin Options’ and then ‘Manage group members’ in the drop-down
- Find the member you wish to remove, then simply click the ‘X’ next to their name
Note: To ensure you are removing the right Steam member, find their steam profile name by going to their personnel file and clicking the Steam icon at the bottom-left of it. To find their personnel file, click their name on their discharge papers or in the news feed.
Inviting Members
All members who are assigned to your platoon, whether by graduating BCT or by being transferred in, should be invited to the platoon’s Steam group. To do this, you do not need to be ‘friends’ with them on Steam. Simply find their Steam profile page and click on ‘Invite to join your group’ on the right-hand side of the page, and select your platoon’s group.
Note: To ensure you are inviting the right Steam member, find their steam profile page by going to their personnel file and clicking the Steam icon at the bottom-left of it. To find their personnel file, click their name on the roster, or the graduation thread, or search their name in the member search at the top-right of the forums.